View our latest Integrated Report

Integrated Report

Our 2023 Manila Water Integrated Report showcases our commitment to sustainable development, while achieving financial and operational successes for the communities we serve and all our stakeholders. It reflects our broader objective of contributing to long-term sustainability -- ensuring that our business gains are achieved as we advocate for a better society, economy, and environment.

ESG Rating

Water Security — Leadership Level (A-)
Climate Change — Management Level (B)

Medium Risk Rating (22.6)



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Sustainability Agenda

Sustainability is at the very core of what we do. We believe that by operating and delivering world-class facilities and services attuned and responsive to the needs of the communities we serve, and the stakeholders we work with, we contribute to sustainable development, creating shared and long-term value.

Sustainability Agenda

Helping Communities Thrive remains our core commitment as we strive to provide the most basic human need through our water and wastewater service. We believe that by ensuring water accessibility and water affordability, we help uplift lives, and build sustainable communities while contributing to economic growth and resilience.

Sustainability Agenda

Protecting the Environment is the nature of our business. We understand the urgent need to address global issues on environmental degradation, climate change and biodiversity loss. We do this primarily through our wastewater treatment, watershed management, and by weaving sustainability practices and innovation into our strategies.

Sustainability Agenda

Building a Culture of Trust and Care is essential for us and is our foundation. We believe that genuine service can only be anchored on ethical business practices, and transparent and accountable corporate governance. We strive to build strong relationships with our stakeholders based on mutual trust and respect, a concern for health and wellbeing, and a common advocacy for a sustainable future.



ESG Highlights

ESG Commitments to 2025


ESG to 2025

Target: 60% reduction and avoidance through renewable energy and wastewater treatment

Progress: Achieved a 42% reduction and avoidance in Scope 1 and 2 GHG Emissions compared to BAU1

ESG to 2025

Target: < 15% NRW level for East Zone Concession

Progress: Achieved an end-of-period NRW level at 13.5%

ESG to 2025

Target: 1,000 has. of watershed area reforested

Progress: Reforested approximately 680 has. of watershed area since 2022

ESG to 2025

Target: 580,000 trees planted and nurtured

Progress: planted and nurtured 310,000 trees since 2022

ESG to 2025

Target: At least 15% raw water supply buffer

Progress: Achieved 24% water buffer, ensuring ample raw water for all business units

ESG to 2025

Target: Building infrastructure sufficient to satisfy service commitments and improvements

Progress: Successfully met service obligations with a Php 20 Bn capex investment in concession businesses

ESG to 2025

Target: 100% compliance to national drinking water standards

Progress: Consistently maintained 100% compliance with national drinking water standards

ESG to 2025

Target: Zero Lost Time Injury Rate

Progress: Maintained a below-industry LTI rate average at 0.46

1 Business-as-usual

ESG Highlights 2

ESG Performance Data

Our Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) data was prepared in reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards, and the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

The ESG data received an appropriate level of limited assurance from an external auditor and is included in our Integrated Report, which has been prepared with reference to the Integrated Reporting Framework.

Reports and Publications

Annual Reports




Watershed Management

Download Report 

Climate Change Report

Download Report 

2020 Sustainability
Financing Framework

Download Report